Showing posts with label rpool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label rpool. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

How you will increase the file system size in Solaris 11

Please find the below method to increase the file system size in Solaris operating system.

1. First you need to check which "zpool" pool is used for your solaris file system. Generally if you server is not connected to any SAN, then zpool name should be "rpool"

2. You can run the below command to check the current zpool status.

#zpool status

In my machine two pool status you can see. My machine is connected to SAN , So I have two pool through which i can increase the file systems size.

3. Run the "df -h" command to check the current size and file system name as given below.

If you can see in above image my system root filesystem is created through "rpool" pool. So when i will increase the file system size then i can use only free space from "rpool" zpool.

4. Please find the below command to increase the file system size. (ex. we will increase the root file system size here)

#zfs set quota=69G rpool/ROOT/solaris-1

If you see the output of df -h , the current size of root file system is 67 GB, and if we want to increase 2GB space more, then you can use the above command. We can fixed the quota size of file system then reserve it. 

#zfs set reservation=69G rpool/ROOT/solaris-1

after successfully run above command you can found that your file system size can increase to 2 GB more and same size has been reduced to "rpool" pool.